2023-2024 Executive Editorial TEAM

Editor in Chief
Zoë Grimaldi

Co-Executive Acquisitions Editor
Sophia Ureta-Fulan

Co-Executive Acquisitions Editor
Joshua Arrayales

Co-Executive Articles Editor
Michael Sitkin

Co-Executive Articles Editor
Amber Grover

Executive Notes Editor
Adrian Plata

Executive Operations Editor
Audrey Vas

Executive Productions Editor
Ryan Franklin

Executive Digital Platforms Editor
Mahina Smith

My name is Zoë Grimaldi and I am the Volume 51 Editor-in-Chief. I left my hometown of San Francisco to attend the George Washington University in Washington, DC. I majored in International Affairs and minored in Arabic Studies. After the 2016 election, I switched from international to domestic politics. My career working with local, state, and federal governments and advocacy organizations motivated me to attend UC Law.

When I am not studying, you can find me listening to the Strict Scrutiny podcast or training for my next half marathon.

I am excited and honored to work alongside our talented Volume 51 Team as we lead the national conversation on progressive and novel constitutional analysis.

My name is Sophia Ureta-Fulan and I am the Volume 51 Executive Acquisitions Editor. I was born and raised in southern California about an hour outside of Los Angeles in the small city of Azusa, CA. I received my bachelor’s degree from UCLA in English and Anthropology. My career goal is to practice Civil Rights Law or to pursue a career in policymaking. As Acquisitions Editor I want to help publish legal scholarship from diverse viewpoints and diverse voices.

When I’m not studying or reading for pleasure, you can find me enjoying live music at various concerts around the Bay and SoCal.


My name is Joshua Arrayales and I am the Volume 51 Co-acquisitions Editor. I grew up in the Southwest, spending a majority of my time in Arizona. I earned my degree in Public Policy and Philosophy from New York University. Because of my interest in philosophy & bioethics, I am completing my legal degree with a concentration in health law at UC Law SF. I hope to pursue a career in academia in my future.

I look forward to serving the Quarterly and the wider legal community alongside my peers who have graciously taken the time to welcome me and show me the ropes as a late addition to the team.


My name is Michael Sitkin, and I am the Executive Articles Editor for Volume 51 of the Constitutional Quarterly. I grew up in the East Bay Area and obtained degrees in History and German from U.C. Davis. I left my home state to serve in Colorado with Teach for America after teaching 10th Grade English while serving as an organizer and strike captain for the Denver Classroom Teachers Association. Seeing the power of the law to effect substantive, lasting, and tangible change, and with the Pandemic shuttering his school, I started my law school journey in 2021 and my journey with the Quarterly in 2022.

My current research focuses on the doctrinal interactions between constitutionally permissible limitations on the First and Second Amendments in a post-Bruen era.  

I am Amber Grover and I am the Volume 51 Co-Executive Articles Editor. I attended San Jose State University with a major in Molecular Biology and a minor in Chemistry. I earned a master's degree in Biomedicine and Law from Drexel University, and am currently pursuing a health law concentration from UC Law SF.

When I’m not studying, I can be found cooking fancy dinners with my husband, and exploring local trails with my dog, Max.

I’m excited to contribute to the conversation around constitutional law with my esteemed team here at the Constitutional Quarterly.


My name is Adrian Plata and I am the Volume 51 Executive Notes Editor. I was born and raised in the Fresno/Madera area. I received my undergraduate degree in English from Stanford University. After graduating, I worked in the Bay Area for several years before taking the stop to move to law.

I look forward to working as part of this year's executive team.


My name is Audrey Vas and I am the Executive Operations Editor for Volume 51.  I grew up in the North Bay and was one of the first in my family to leave California when I left to attend Boston College where I earned an Economics and Faith, Peace, and Justice degree. After graduation, I worked in tech in Wisconsin until I decided to pursue law back in my home state.  For the foreseeable future, I look forward to working in intellectual property and general business litigation at a firm in Silicon Valley with bright and diverse minds.

 I aspire for our Volume 51 Team to publish cutting-edge, brave scholarship that will inspire thoughtful change to our legal system.


My name is Ryan Franklin and I am the Volume 51 Executive Productions Editor. I studied Classics, completing my PhD at The Johns Hopkins University in 2019 with a dissertation on the gendered metaphors for the material text in ancient Greek prose fiction. I have taught language and cultural courses at the University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Oregon. 

With a keen interest in the relationship between politics and law, I am excited to learn from my colleagues at the Constitutional Quarterly. You can find me out on a running trail or ski slope when I'm not in the law library. 


My name is Mahina, and I am proud to be the Quarterly’s Executive Digital Platforms Editor. I was born and raised in Honolulu, HI. After high school, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Hawaii with a degree in Creative Media and a certificate in Peace Studies. I am interested in criminal law and specifically the constitutional rights of criminal defendants.

I look forward to working with the Volume 51 Team as we continue the legacy of the Constitutional Quarterly.